taquiones.net is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Mi instancia en el fediverso
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ティージェーグレェ »

@grunfink I submitted a PR to update MacPorts' snac to 2.57 here:


GitHub Actions CI went OK!

I don't have commit access, so it's up to someone else to merge it.

Thank you for continuing to improve and iterate snac!

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.57 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Added support for listening on UNIX-like sockets.

Don't allow empty polls.

Added support for Markdown-style images (converted to attachments) and strikethrough text.

Added support for incoming Move messages: when received, the new account is followed and the old one is unfollowed.

Incoming EmojiReact messages are internally converted to Like (more proper support will happen eventually).

Blocks are also notified.

Mastodon API: fixed a cache bug when following local users.


If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/grunfink

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.57 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Added support for listening on UNIX-like sockets.

Don't allow empty polls.

Added support for Markdown-style images (converted to attachments) and strikethrough text.

Added support for incoming Move messages: when received, the new account is followed and the old one is unfollowed.

Incoming EmojiReact messages are internally converted to Like (more proper support will happen eventually).

Blocks are also notified.

Mastodon API: fixed a cache bug when following local users.


If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/grunfink

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.51 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Support for custom Emojis has been added; they are no longer hardcoded, but read from the emojis.json file at the server base directory. Also, they are no longer limited to string substitutions, but images as external URLs are also supported (see snac(8) for more information).

Fixed a bug that caused some notifications to be lost when coming from a user in the same instance.

Added an additional check for blocked instances (sometimes, posts from blocked sites that were ancestors of legit posts were 'leaking' into the timeline).

On OpenBSD, if the disable_email_notifications server flag is set to true, unveil() is not called for the execution of the /usr/sbin/sendmail binary and pledge() doesn't set the exec promise.


If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/grunfink

This release has been inspired by the album Eternal Embers by .

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.51 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Support for custom Emojis has been added; they are no longer hardcoded, but read from the emojis.json file at the server base directory. Also, they are no longer limited to string substitutions, but images as external URLs are also supported (see snac(8) for more information).

Fixed a bug that caused some notifications to be lost when coming from a user in the same instance.

Added an additional check for blocked instances (sometimes, posts from blocked sites that were ancestors of legit posts were 'leaking' into the timeline).

On OpenBSD, if the disable_email_notifications server flag is set to true, unveil() is not called for the execution of the /usr/sbin/sendmail binary and pledge() doesn't set the exec promise.


If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/grunfink

This release has been inspired by the album Eternal Embers by .

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Victor Moral ⁂ »

@Alexia_Powderr@mastodon.social me pasa igual, hay personas de las que no sé en semanas y hasta que no me meto en su cuenta no sé si siguen vivas.

es mi servidor y siempre muestra las cosas en hilos, de manera que no te pierdes de qué están hablando y aún así tampoco los veo a todos.

Debería haber un método para distribuir el contenido de otra forma pero eso suena a algoritmo y no es algo apreciado.

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Victor Moral ⁂ »

@samcre@paquita.masto.host ostras, a mí también. Pensaba que era un error de ( aún no he instalado la última versión) pero veo que no.

Ángel boosted

Stefano BSD Cafe (snac instance account) »

snac2 has reached version 2.44, which is stable and undoubtedly suitable for more comprehensive use.
In the coming days, I'll likely declare this instance as stable and include it in BSD Cafe's services. Plurality and choice are fundamental in a free world.

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Victor Moral ⁂ »

tenía un problema funcionando detrás de Apache y el autore ha trabajado duro para arreglarlo.

Ahora funciona de maravilla. El error se daba de cuando en cuando y dejaba el sistema sin respuesta. O esperaba un buen rato o reiniciaba el servicio.

Mola cuando se lo toman en serio. 🙂