taquiones.net is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Site description
Mi instancia en el fediverso
Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #wordpress

Antranig Vartanian »

Remember, by moving your WordPress to something else you are not helping WordPress in any shape or form.

CharLES ☭ H »

I'm trying not to use Google Docs.

But I need a sign up sheet where people can list themselves as volunteers for recurring events.

Ideally, this would live on a wordpress site and have a layout that is not worse than a shared Google sheet.

I'd also prefer not to pay £40 for the privilege of running this.


Elena Brescacin »

Many WordPress plugins promise to update image's alt texts through post's SEO titles. It can be useful for a decoration featured image, but useless for a how-to about a functionality of your software or whatever else explanatory. You'll have alt texts which explain NOTHING but automatic accessibility checkers will consider your site valid. And you make a FOOL of yourself in front of the world. Please don't fall in these traps!

Neil Brown boosted

Terence Eden »

As tediously predicted. Had lots of positive reactions to my message. But, of course, no dissent is tolerated in Open Source…⸮

Why do these tech-bros have such thin skins?

Hi Terence,
It looks like your account on the Making WordPress workspace was deactivated.

Alt...Hi Terence, It looks like your account on the Making WordPress workspace was deactivated.

Antonio Cambronero »

Los vídeos del sótano : WebP, Cómo crear una web con Canva, Cómo activar el firewall extendido de Wordfence

En los Vídeos del sótano se recopilan los antiguos clips de la serie Blogpocketies, lo mejor de HECHO CON BLOQUES, junto a vídeos inéditos.


Gabriel »

Con respecto al conflicto en tengo la impresión de que se va a fortalecer alguna derivada, ya sea ClassicPress u otra. Y va a ser mejor desde el punto de vista del software libre.

Terence Eden »

The contributor Slack is turning into a clusterfuck.

Terence Eden »

I tried asking three questions of .

Q. Can Core Contributors continue to log in if they're affiliated with WP Engine?
A. We can't answer that. Please don't ask.

Q. Do contributors need to sign a CLA?
A. No.

Q. Can GitHub users send a Pull Request if they're affiliate with WP Engine?
A. (After much wailing and gnashing of teeth) We don't know. No one from WordPress will tell the volunteers anything.

Very dispiriting.

Neil Brown boosted

Terence Eden »

Well, I tried.

I await my inevitable banning from for Lèse-majesté.

Me addressing Matt in the WordPress Slack. I say "Matt - I've never seen anyone spread so much FUD about their own project before. I started out as sympathetic to your cause against WP Engine. But your behaviour has driven me - and many other good people - away.
I want to be explicitly clear: I am in no position to judge the merits of your lawsuit, but I am in a position to judge your behaviour.  I cannot fathom why you are trying to turn your own community against you.  Please - reconsider your approach."

Alt...Me addressing Matt in the WordPress Slack. I say "Matt - I've never seen anyone spread so much FUD about their own project before. I started out as sympathetic to your cause against WP Engine. But your behaviour has driven me - and many other good people - away. I want to be explicitly clear: I am in no position to judge the merits of your lawsuit, but I am in a position to judge your behaviour. I cannot fathom why you are trying to turn your own community against you. Please - reconsider your approach."

nixCraft 🐧 »

WordPress is under GPLv2 (or later), and there is nothing preventing WordPress . org from making money by selling services to big providers like WP Engine. Matt/Automattic could have sorted out this mess privately instead of making it public drama. Everyone knows it costs money to maintain the public cloud and repository of all WP org add-ons and themes. This situation was not handled correctly. But, then, what do I know? Right? I have never been CEO of anything.

popey »

This week in .

Two buttons meme image. 
Top frame:
Button 1: Skinner out of touch
Button 2: Are we the baddies?
Sweating Hank Nova:
"Choosing a Matt Mullenweg meme"

Alt...Two buttons meme image. Top frame: Button 1: Skinner out of touch Button 2: Are we the baddies? Sweating Hank Nova: "Choosing a Matt Mullenweg meme"

Why not both meme image.
Young girl saying "Why don't we have both?"

Alt...Why not both meme image. Young girl saying "Why don't we have both?"

Skinner out of touch meme.
Top frame:
Principal Skinner with serious Matt Mullenweg's head: "Am I out of touch?"
Bottom frame:
Principal Skinner with a happy Matt Mullenweg's head: "No, it's the WordPress users who owe me money"

Alt...Skinner out of touch meme. Top frame: Principal Skinner with serious Matt Mullenweg's head: "Am I out of touch?" Bottom frame: Principal Skinner with a happy Matt Mullenweg's head: "No, it's the WordPress users who owe me money"

Are we the baddies meme image.
Top text: 
Demanding license fees from WP Engine
Cutting off WP Engine from WordPress
Adding a stupid 'legal' checkbox to WordPress.org
Bottom text:
Are we the baddies?

Alt...Are we the baddies meme image. Top text: Demanding license fees from WP Engine Cutting off WP Engine from WordPress Adding a stupid 'legal' checkbox to WordPress.org Bottom text: Are we the baddies?

javi boosted

Jeff Geerling »

I had to go log into my Wordpress.org account to make sure this wasn't just some joke. And it isn't.

I don't *think* I'm affiliated with WP Engine in any way, but I guess any chance of ever contributing to again is out the window if I can't guarantee it.

Wordpress has jumped the shark (more specifically, Matt).

Alt...Wordpress has jumped the shark (more specifically, Matt).

Stefan Bohacek »

Wait. When did they change that?

A login form for WordPress.org. Underneath fields for username or email address and password, there are two checkboxes: Remember Me and "I am a grown adult in control of my emotions."

This is a parody of the updated WordPress.org login form which now has a checkbox saying: "I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise."

Alt...A login form for WordPress.org. Underneath fields for username or email address and password, there are two checkboxes: Remember Me and "I am a grown adult in control of my emotions." This is a parody of the updated WordPress.org login form which now has a checkbox saying: "I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise."

FeralRobots »

Matt Mullenweg looking weirder by the day as WordPress.org now requiring anyone who logs in to certify that they are "not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise."

(Also IANAL but couldn't this provide weight to a claim of 'actual malice' on Automattic's part?)

[h/t @da_667 @ infosec.exchange/@da_667/11327 in a much funnier way]

Login screen for WordPress.org: 

Log in to your WordPress.org account to contribute to WordPress, get help in the support forum, or rate and review themes and plugins.

Username or Email Address 
[name blacked out]

[password masked]

[checkbox] [begin highlight] I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise. [end highlight]

[checkbox] Remember Me

Alt...Login screen for WordPress.org: Log in to your WordPress.org account to contribute to WordPress, get help in the support forum, or rate and review themes and plugins. Username or Email Address [name blacked out] Password [password masked] [checkbox] [begin highlight] I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise. [end highlight] [checkbox] Remember Me

Neil Brown »

"Petty" doesn't go far enough, IMHO.

I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise.


The login page for WordPress.org, which now includes a checkbox saying "I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise."

Alt...The login page for WordPress.org, which now includes a checkbox saying "I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise."

Antonio Cambronero »

Entrevista a Delia Rodríguez, realizada por José Luis Orihuela, con motivo del 20º aniversario de Blogpocket.com

Antonio Cambronero »

Día mundial de la Vista y Día mundial de concienciación sobre accesibilidad en el Fediverso; y un plugin de WordPress para apoyarlo

Un plugin de WordPress en apoyo del Día mundial de la vista y el Día mundial de concienciación sobre accesibilidad en el Fediverso


Ilustración dibujada a mano de una multitud estilizada de personas. Hay varios tipos de cuerpo, edades y etnias representadas. Todos llevan diferentes estilos de ropa. El fondo es un paisaje urbano con edificios de diferentes alturas y estilos.

Alt...Ilustración dibujada a mano de una multitud estilizada de personas. Hay varios tipos de cuerpo, edades y etnias representadas. Todos llevan diferentes estilos de ropa. El fondo es un paisaje urbano con edificios de diferentes alturas y estilos.

Una multitud de personas estilizadas dibujadas a mano.

Alt...Una multitud de personas estilizadas dibujadas a mano.

Antonio Cambronero »

Imagen bloqueada [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Aviso de contenido opcional

Celebramos la versión 4.3 de Mastodon y, por otra parte, Matthias Pfefferle nos recuerda que el plugin de ActivityPub añade, en la configuración de las publicaciones, el apartado «Fediverse» con la posibilidad de mostrar un mensaje de aviso para contenido opcional. El contenido no se muestra hasta que el usuario lo desbloquea, viéndose solo la advertencia. Si el contenido a […]


PixelRobot boosted

Matthias Pfefferle »

did you know that the plugin for supports "content warnings"?


Neil Brown boosted

Terence Eden »

Hey friends, what's your favourite statistics plugin which is *not* JetPack.

I'm looking for something lightweight and privacy preserving.

Bonus points if I can import all my previous JetPack stats into it.

So, what do you use?

(Before replying - please remember to be both kind and helpful. Suggesting moving away from WP is neither.)

Bill Bennett »

💻 WordPress's future is uncertain as Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine clash over who can make money and how from the open-source project. It's a dispute that could reshape the open source movement.


Antonio Cambronero »

Juego sucio

Espero que el plugin ACF, con el que implemento estos fediposts no sea finalmente bloqueado en por Automattic. De momento, ACF (y otros plugins gratuitos de WP Engine) se pueden actualizar mediante este plugin. Aquí la información: Installing and Upgrading to the Latest Version of ACF


Fernando Briano »

Scott Williams 🐧 »

How deep you gotta dig that hole?

Matt Mullenweg: ‘WordPress.org just belongs to me’


Antonio Cambronero »

Entrevista a Elena Brescacin

Elena Brescacin comparte su experiencia trabajando con WordPress como creadora ciega, destacando cómo lo ha usado desde 2003-2004, en esta entrevista. A pesar del avance de WordPress, todavía enfrenta barreras en accesibilidad, privacidad y seguridad. Elena expone las mejoras que se necesitan en la comunidad de WordPress, enfatizando la importancia de mejorar la accesibilidad y reducir la […]


Elena Brescacin »

core days organizers have interviewed me - I touch main points. There still wasn't the mess then, but for me nothing changes: I continue supporting the project with my own efforts despite Matt. events.wordpress.org/rome/2024 - I also mention and

alcinnz boosted

Scott Williams 🐧 »

Sweet glory the WordPress drama continues.

Engadget: 159 employees leave founder's company after extortion lawsuit

Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo migrar plantillas en WordPress, entre temas y sin perder estilos

Aprende paso a paso cómo migrar plantillas en WordPress, creadas con el editor del sitio, entre temas y manteniendo intactas las configuraciones de tus diseños.


Antonio Cambronero »

Contestando a Steve

Steve, the use of the blog profile, connected via ActivityPub, is for people following you from Mastodon (for example) to see your posts. But you can reply to those posts from Mastodon and you will see those replies as comments on your blog. And from your blog you can reply back to Mastodon. The use of your personal account is for posting microblogging messages.

In spanish: […]


Antonio Cambronero »

En este episodio se habla, entre otras cosas, del conflicto entre WP Engine y Automattic; plugins de A. Cambronero; GPT Asesor de resúmenes; y más.

ricardo »

PixelRobot boosted

Roni Laukkarinen »

The plot thickens. WP Engine has sued Matt Mullenweg and Automattic. WPE's X post states:

Matt Mullenweg and Automattic’s self-proclaimed scorched earth campaign against WP Engine has harmed not just our company, but the entire WordPress ecosystem. The symbiotic relationship between WordPress, its community and the businesses that invest millions to support WordPress users, and advance the ecosystem, is based on trust in the promises of openness and freedom.

Matt Mullenweg’s conduct over the last ten days has exposed significant conflicts of interests and governance issues that, if left unchecked, threaten to destroy that trust. WP Engine has no choice but to pursue these claims to protect its people, agency partners, customers, and the broader WordPress community. Like so many of you, we love WordPress and are committed to the stability and longevity of the community.

Read the complaint here: wpengine.com/wp-content/upload

Antonio Cambronero »

Mastodon compatible con encuestas en WordPress

André Menrath está desarrollando un bloque del plugin ActivityPub para que permitirá lanzar encuestas compatibles con Mastodon/Fediverso. ¡ Una gran idea que demuestra lo interesante que es la conexión de blogs de WordPress al ! Me encanta lo que dice André en su bio de Mastodon: «Para mí, las redes sociales no son muy atractivas, me encantaría seguir a mis […]


Francesco P Lovergine »

Antonio Cambronero »

lrp (PeterLib) »

Un buscador con php y html para el index.php del blog en (y ) - plr blog:

"He intendado simular el de los Bear Blogs pero solo con PHP y HTML. Se consigue con apenas unas líneas en el index.php y busca/filtra por conceptos en todo el texto de los posts. Añadiendo una función al functions.php, se puede buscar solo por conceptos en los títulos de los posts. Probaré unos días; la verdad es que con control+f se va a todos lados..."


Se ve la portada del blog con el nuevo formulario de búsqueda que permite filtrar los posts por conceptos que se busquen. El buscador es discreto pero efectivo. El buscador está señalado en la imagen con un cuadro verde y dos flechas verdes que apuntan al cuadro.

Alt...Se ve la portada del blog con el nuevo formulario de búsqueda que permite filtrar los posts por conceptos que se busquen. El buscador es discreto pero efectivo. El buscador está señalado en la imagen con un cuadro verde y dos flechas verdes que apuntan al cuadro.

Jan Wildeboer 😷 »

Some years ago I switched my personal blog from to a static site using . My main reason was that wasting resources on dynamic pages for static content like blog posts didn’t make a lot of sense. Now there’s a different reason. Ego and greed of Mullenweg taking the WordPress community hostage for an IMHO destructive path forward. I’d suggest you switch to alternatives. therepository.email/mullenweg-

Antonio Cambronero »

Ahora, todos los contenidos de Blogpocket en el RSS

Todos los contenidos de Blogpocket se ofrecen ahora en el RSS general.


AlternativeTo »

Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg temporarily lifted blocks preventing servers from accessing resources amid the legal dispute. The lift will last until October 1, 00:00 UTC, to allow WP Engine to set up their own mirrors of WordPress resources.

ricardo »

josmit »

¿Que es el #Fediverso?

Es una pregunta recurrente que me encuentro una y otra vez entre quienes se crean su primera cuenta en alguna de las instancias que la componen y la respuesta corta podria resumirse en:
»Un conjunto de redes sociales abiertas, libres, inclusivas, que estan interconectadas por diversos protocolos«

¿Y cuales son estas redes sociales?

Entre ellas, la mas popular es #Mastodon, seguida probablemente por #Pleroma, #Peertube, #Wordpress, #Friendica, #GNUsocial, #Jabber, etc. Asi, como se puede observar, el ecosistema del Fediverso esta compuesto de mas de 30 Redes Sociales.

¿Entonces que es eso del ActivityPub?

Para que #Lemmy, #Pixelfed, #Hubzilla, #Misskey, #Bookworm, #Drupal, #Plume, #GoToSocial, #Funkwhale y hasta la nueva red social de Zuckershit puedan entenderse deben hablar el mismo idioma... o protocolo. Como mastodon es el mas popular ha conseguido imponer su propio protocolo excluyente, es decir, ActivityPub, pero por suerte existen otros, como #Zot, #Diaspora, #DFRN, #XMPP, #OStatus, etc. los cuales son todavia usados por varias de estas #RRSS.

Aunque no me gusta hacer comparaciones, supongamos que desde mañana los usuarios de Llutube pudieran seguir y ser seguidos por los usuarios de Hinztagram... entonces tendrian que ponerse de acuerdo en algun estandar o protocolo a usar para comunicarse y entenderse...

¿Y que Red Social dentro del Fediverso es la Mejor?

Si nos guiamos por su popularidad, deberiamos inclinarnos por Mastodon o Pleroma.

Pero si quisieramos la mayor interaccion e inclusion, entonces la solucion deberia estar en direccion a Friendica o Hubzilla, ya que ambas redes no solo se pueden comunicar a traves de ActivityPub, sino que integran OStatus, XMPP, Diaspora... y con ayuda de plugins fueron las primeras en abrir puentes con Fasebuch, Xwitter, Tumvlr, VlueSky y Dhreads (de Meta). Y esto es un factor que me parece muy relevante a la hora de querer llegar al maximo de espacios posibles.

Grafica de algunas de las RRSS que participan del Fediverso

Alt...Grafica de algunas de las RRSS que participan del Fediverso

alcinnz boosted

Adrian Roselli »

It is striking how much this quote from Automattic’s head hews so closely to Automattic’s decision to force into , without much consideration for (for authors nor users) and with its corporate OSS contributions primarily around pushing the feature and failing to clean-up its own bugs & barriers.

“…giving our users a crappier experience so they can make more money.”


Michael Lucas »

my web store uses specifically for the "Let visitors subscribe to this site and receive emails when you publish a post" feature.

Jetpack wants me to start paying $12 a month for this. I might pay $12 a year for that feature, but $144/year is far too much. Especially when can I send mails directly from my web server!

Surely there's a free alternative for ? Anyone know?

Antonio Cambronero »

Borrador automático

Elena Rossini expone por qué el es una buena idea, remarcando los valores que distinguen la red descentralizada, basada en el protocolo , como una alternativa ética a las redes sociales tradicionales, centrada en la privacidad, la autenticidad y la conexión genuina. Las redes sociales tradicionales priorizan la modificación del comportamiento y la explotación de […]


Christiaan Kras »

One thing that makes me wonder: every Linux distro has many repository mirrors. So why isn't setup that way?

Antonio Cambronero »

Los vídeos del sótano #17: Complianz, ¿Es Vimeo cookies friendly?, ¿Es Blogpocket.com accesible?

En los Vídeos del sótano se recopilan los antiguos clips de la serie Blogpocketies, lo mejor de HECHO CON BLOQUES, junto a vídeos inéditos.


sl1200 boosted

Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 »

Are you done with #WordPress? Looking for a good alternative? Try #Gemini! ♊

Roni Laukkarinen »


Diff from WP Policy, changed to: "The abbreviation “WP” is not covered by the WordPress trademarks, but please don’t use it in a way that confuses people. For example, many people think WP Engine is “WordPress Engine” and officially associated with WordPress, which it’s not. They have never once even donated to the WordPress Foundation, despite making billions of revenue on top of WordPress."

Alt...Diff from WP Policy, changed to: "The abbreviation “WP” is not covered by the WordPress trademarks, but please don’t use it in a way that confuses people. For example, many people think WP Engine is “WordPress Engine” and officially associated with WordPress, which it’s not. They have never once even donated to the WordPress Foundation, despite making billions of revenue on top of WordPress."

Matthias Ott »

Is the feud over? Who won?

(The answer is always Kendrick, of course. 🐐)

FeralRobots »

Without the ability in WordPress to easily specify an alternative plugin repository for automated updates, Matt Mullenweg is basically a living supply chain vulnerability in the WordPress ecosystem.

So, if Matt & turning off access to WordPress dot org demonstrates anything, it's that has a fundamental supply-chain vulnerability in the form of its total reliance on WordPress dot org for automatic updates. & in Matt's autocratic control of the platform.

nixCraft 🐧 »

There is this war going on between WP Engine and Wordpress co-founder and CEO Matt Mullenweg. He called WP Engine a "cancer" and accused it of profiting from WordPress without contributing to development of the CMS. Now, WordPress org denies service to WP Engine, potentially putting sites at risk theregister.com/2024/09/26/wor

PixelRobot boosted

Roni Laukkarinen »

WordPress community in turmoil: Breaking: WP Engine is banned from WordPress.org

Nemo_bis 🌈 »

@neil Is it true what they say, that has purchased an exclusive license for commercial use of the trademark from the Foundation? It makes sense but I didn't know about it. Would be nice to have more bidders for the privilege, to diversify the revenues!

alcinnz boosted

arthur.pizza »

Started a plugin for to http proxy the plugins and themes as a workaround for the craziness that Automattic is pulling on WP Engine.

I'm not a programmer but I got it to load the plugin menu.

If anyone can contribute or test, that'd be great.


Raúl Redondo »

Regístrate ahora para asistir al Día de la Accesibilidad de WordPress, una conferencia en inglés gratuita de 24 horas que se realizará del 9 al 10 de octubre. Únete a través de Zoom para ver cómo especialistas de todo el mundo comparten las mejores prácticas de accesibilidad para diseñadores, desarrolladores, redactores de contenido, gerentes de proyectos y más. Regístrate para asistir en 2024.wpaccessibility.day/regis

Antonio Cambronero »

Ponencia de Gerardo García, titulada «WordPress y yo», en la que somparte cómo WordPress transformó su vida y carrera.

Dustin Rue »

If you didn't use as your blog, what would you use?

Antonio Cambronero »

Un plugin para agradecer a mis lectores RSS

Hemos implementando en Blogpocket, mediante un plugin de WordPress, una idea de Jeremy Hervé para agradecer a los lectores de RSS.


Elizabeth Tai | 戴秀铃 🇲🇾 »


Matt Mullenweg calls WP Engine a 'cancer to WordPress' and urges community to switch providers | TechCrunch


Antonio Cambronero »

Aquiles y La Tortuga dialogando sobre los blogs de WordPress y el fediverso

Aquiles y la Tortuga hablando de los blogs de WordPress y el fediverso: una introducción a los blogs federados.


𝕯æ𝖓𝖘 »

Hey @teclista acabo de descubrir esta imbricación entre blog y Mastodon que te puede interesar: comunicacionabierta.net/2024/0

Todo lo que ves publicado ahí ha sido hecho desde la app Tusky en móvil y respondido también con app móvil.

Seguramente te dé ideas para ampliar el juego del y pensar estrategias para pasar la voz e invitar a otras.

Matthias Pfefferle »


in case you haven't heard, it's possible to follow blogs on via ActivityPub. so all interactions on flipboard flow back to the blog! happy federated commenting, liking and sharing!


Antonio Cambronero »

Ponencia de Gerardo García, titulada «WordPress y yo», en la que somparte cómo WordPress transformó su vida y carrera.

Antonio Cambronero »

En este episodio se habla, entre otras cosas, del plan de lanzamiento de WordPress 6.7, del Fediverso, y de motores de búsqueda con inteligencia artificial como Perplexity.

ricardo »

OSTechNix »

ManchaPod 🎤 Podcasts »

ricardo »

The New Oil » 🤖

Elena Rossini ⁂ »

Good morning Fedi Friends!

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

I'm working on a new blog post for reflecting back on my "Fediverse summer".

Before I started the blog, I "only" had a account.

⏩ 3 months and I now have 8 accounts on the (incl. my federated sites).

I've become the biggest fan of the and and I can't wait to share the biggest lessons I learned.

Sign up here to get my new posts: blog.elenarossini.com

Alt...an animated GIF showing moving stars in the background with the title "the future is federated" over it

Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo estar al día de WordPress: 10 noticias de última hora

Abrimos la nueva temporada calentando motores. Pronto tendremos la versión 6.7 de WordPress. Y para abrir boca, aquí tenemos lo más importante, sobre la plataforma más utilizada en el mundo de los CMS, en las últimas semanas:


The New Oil » 🤖

Susana✅🌹🌞🎼✍️ »

Antonio Cambronero »

Noticias y trucos de WordPress: una parada en el camino para conocer lo último sobre Automattic, WordPress 6.7, el plugin LiteSpeed Cache y mucho más en SEO, seguridad y el Fediverso

Una selección de las mejores noticias y trucos de WordPress para que no te quedes atrás en la creación de sitios web y el blogging.


Antonio Cambronero »

Interacción con el Fediverso desde un blog de WordPress

Aprende a realizar la Interacción con el Fediverso desde un blog de WordPress, utilizando el plugin ActivityPub.


PixelRobot boosted

javi »

I got a couple of asks like this on tumblr, but I don't feel that posting about Automattic there first-hand is a good idea, so I'll answer here.

Yup, it looks they are looking for someone to work on the tumblr-to-wordpress migration for real. However, this doesn't mean it's going to happen. That job posting makes me think several thinks:

1) Tumblr selling our personal data to the AI ghouls have, probably, made tumblr profitable for the first time ever. In my three years working on tumblr, everything, EVERYTHING, was about making it stop losing money. Every single project went through the "is this going to make us lose less money" sieve. But again, we know Reddit got 60Mill from openAI for selling their users' content. Tumblr was 10Mill/year in the red when I left. If they got a similar deal for selling them (and midjourney) the pictures of my kids ( among other things) without my permission, that would have covered all the losess Automattic incured because of tumblr, and left money to fund it for a couple of years. Opening the door to ego-related projects from the CEO.

2) This recruitment-drive may come from the current tumblr & WordPress engineering teams being pessimistic about the project / having tried to discourage Management (Matt) to pursue it, or he (Matt) thinks they don't want to do it. Automattic looking for external people to work on a speciffic project is EXTREMELLY rare. As in "I've worked there for 8 years and I only have seen it happening with low-priority, no-important projects management didn't want in-house engineers to lose time with". It's pretty telling they are hiring for this.

3) Matt SEVERELY understimate the scope of the project. The idea was scrapped after last year some devs did some exploratory work and declared it a gargantuan task. And now I got through the grapevine that this has been kickstarted again due the CEO's own direct request. So it's happening because of him pushing for it to happen against the best judgement from engineering. And he seems to be thinking he can hire a small, dedicated team to make it so. And once again, this is HUGE.

Matt and people who don't know anything about Tumblr codebase may think "oh, it's just mapping tumblr's API endpoints to similar WP API endpoints, convert the data formats, and work on some migrations so the tumblr posts can live within the WP database structure", but that's a very, extremely naive take.

The problem is tumblr data architecture / product features are entirely uncompatible with WordPress data architecture. Every little corner of the tumblr dash I look into gives me headaches when thinking in how to make that work with WP.

For example, let's think hashtags. They are a MAJOR feature for tumblr users, one of the most important pieces of the platform. And they work in an entire different way of how they work in WordPress. They'll need to write a WordPress plugin to make them work as they do in tumblr, even just for the API. Same with comments of a post. Same with counting post interactions (one of them really doesn't even exist in WordPress as a concept). Etc, etc, etc. It's almost fractal, every single part of tumblr I can look at would, no matter how small, mean a small nightmare for the people working on porting it.

Fuck, they don't even know if WordPress.com is going to explode if they fill its tables with everything that's on tumblr (tumblr db has orders of magnitude more contents than wp.com... Hell, it creates about 10 million new posts PER DAY nowadays). Half of the tumblr backend code is about handling that crazy volume, and wp.com is not even close to be ready to handle it as-is.

Long story short, I think there's little of the current WP backend API that could be used as-is. If they manage to actually find a team to work on this, their job will be:

Re-write the entire tumblr backend code as WordPress Plugins. A quick find/grep in my old work laptop there were over 5000 php filles in tumblr's backend project last year. The share of the code that could be discarded by reusing similarly-meaned parts of the WordPress API is negligible.

Migrate something like 500 billion posts, stored in different post formats, to the (uncompatible) WordPress post format and see the DB doesn't explode (fun story, tumblr old posts are stored in a different format than the new ones, because we couldn't find a safe way to convert them to the new format without risking losing some of the content ... so good luck doing that into WordPress)

Work on optimizing and caching everything so entire servers don't come down everytime someone loads a post (which in wp means doing a bunch of very heavy cross-table lookups, which when your post database is in the billions, your hashtags are stored in a different table with also billions of rows, and every post may trigger a dozen other lookups for other posts due the reblog chain, is going to be FUN)

Now do 1-3 again, but with tumblr's API v1 (which is still in heavy use, even if tumblr started migrating to v2 years ago).

And this is JUST for the API endpoints. We are not even talking about migrating the hundreds of tumblr themes to WordPress, or adapting the mobile apps to stop creating posts in the tumblr-format, etc.

The best/worst part is that even if they get people to do this, even if they get to actually do all the work in whatever time they need to do it, the result would be a so heavily modded WP instance that would look nothing like WordPress, at all. It would look like the current tumblr backend, but shoehorned into using wp-shaped db tables somehow. But I guess MM doesn't really care about that, he just want to get the dopamine-rush of getting some sweet sweet media attention.

So yeah, this is just a CEO who is extremely detached from the reality of the actual work thinking he's smarter than his own team (which already told him this was a pipe-dream a year ago) and trying to hire a team to empty the sea using a sieve. Good luck to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo probar el nuevo tema Twenty-Twenty Five

El nuevo tema predeterminado de WordPress 6.7 es Twenty-Twenty Five. Aquí se explica cómo se puede probar.


Adam Lein »

What are some good compatible themes to try?

Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo bloquear bots, scrapers y crawlers de IA

En este artículo se explica cómo bloquear el uso de los contenidos de tu sitio web para entrenar modelos de IA.


Christiaan Kras »

So let's you declare custom font sizes for . So I want to override all the defaults and only allow a 'normal' and 'leader' size. This works, BUT the user interface shows toggle buttons that don't represent the actual names. It's always S, M, L, XL. When there's more than 5-6 or something you'll get a select list and then the shorthands are no longer being shown. But I don't need that many options. So why can't I overrule the shorthand letters? Seems like a stupid oversight.

patpro »

I have an odd problem with a blog hosted on +
When a client browses a page with media (eg. /blog/wp-content/uploads/…/foo.jpg), everything loads fine but the server logs a 404 error for path /blog/blog/wp-content/uploads/…/foo.jpg with the same user-agent as the original client, but the client ip address logged is the server ip.
Client-side: no error.
It appears something server-side makes a rewrite AND an internal request is made that spoofs the user-agent 1/2

icaria36 🎶 »

Una pregunta sobre hospedaje web para radios libres y podkasts con k.

Imaginemos que quieres crear un podkast o una radio libre online y buscas un servicio de hospedaje que concuerde con vuestros valores, o como mínimo tengan unos valores decentes y unas prácticas consecuentes. ¿A qué proveedor puedes recurrir?

Estamos intentando crear una lista de proveedores recomendados en red.podkasts.org/t/hospedaje-w

También puedes responder aquí mismo. Cualquier ayuida es buena.

Antonio Cambronero »

Actualización de agosto 2024: El Método Blogpocket para crear sitios web seguros y optimizados sin conocimientos técnicos [WP AL DÍA nº 368]

Explora cómo el Método Blogpocket, diseñado para quienes buscan eficiencia sin complicaciones técnicas y actualizado en Agosto 2024, facilita la creación de sitios web seguros y optimizados.


OSTechNix »

Record-Breaking Bounty Awarded for LiteSpeed Cache Plugin Vulnerability

Zicoxy3 - AsturGeek.es »

mmmm pregunta absurda... Hay alguna forma fácil de hacer una plantilla para ciertos post en el blog.

Antonio Cambronero »

Liberando el poder de la federación: una introducción para conectar tu sitio web de WordPress al Fediverso.

¡Descubre la magia de conectar tu sitio web al Fediverso! Mejora la interactividad, simplifica el intercambio de contenido y conviértete en dueño de tu audiencia federando tu sitio web.


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