taquiones.net is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Site description
Mi instancia en el fediverso
Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #wordpress

OSTechNix »

ManchaPod 🎤 Podcasts »

🤖 boosted

Jeremiah Lee »

Have a WordPress site? Here’s the official 5 minute guide for making it your profile on the social web.

WordPress runs 40% of the Web, so let’s get those server, user growth, and MAU numbers up on @fedidb.


ricardo »

The New Oil » 🤖

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 »

Good morning Fedi Friends!

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

I'm working on a new blog post for reflecting back on my "Fediverse summer".

Before I started the blog, I "only" had a account.

⏩ 3 months and I now have 8 accounts on the (incl. my federated sites).

I've become the biggest fan of the and and I can't wait to share the biggest lessons I learned.

Sign up here to get my new posts: blog.elenarossini.com

Alt...an animated GIF showing moving stars in the background with the title "the future is federated" over it

Jeremy »

Thanking my RSS readers

Found a cool message on Kev’s blog about appreciating RSS readers, so I decided to add something similar to mine. This WordPress snippet displays a random welcome messages to all RSS readers.


Screenshot of the welcoming message displayed at the end of all posts in Kev Quirk's RSS feed: "Thanks for reading this post via RSS. RSS is great, and you're great for using it. ❤️"

Alt...Screenshot of the welcoming message displayed at the end of all posts in Kev Quirk's RSS feed: "Thanks for reading this post via RSS. RSS is great, and you're great for using it. ❤️"

Screenshot of the welcoming message displayed at the end of all posts in Manu Moreale's RSS feed: "Thank you for keeping RSS alive. You’re awesome."

Alt...Screenshot of the welcoming message displayed at the end of all posts in Manu Moreale's RSS feed: "Thank you for keeping RSS alive. You’re awesome."

Edgar Walthert »

@matthiasott @jenskutilek 1+ for @getkirby
absolute no no for imho

Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo estar al día de WordPress: 10 noticias de última hora

Abrimos la nueva temporada calentando motores. Pronto tendremos la versión 6.7 de WordPress. Y para abrir boca, aquí tenemos lo más importante, sobre la plataforma más utilizada en el mundo de los CMS, en las últimas semanas:


The New Oil » 🤖

Susana✅🌹🌞🎼✍️ »

Antonio Cambronero »

Noticias y trucos de WordPress: una parada en el camino para conocer lo último sobre Automattic, WordPress 6.7, el plugin LiteSpeed Cache y mucho más en SEO, seguridad y el Fediverso

Una selección de las mejores noticias y trucos de WordPress para que no te quedes atrás en la creación de sitios web y el blogging.


Antonio Cambronero »

WordPress(.)com's free plan supports connection

From your blog's dashboard, go to Settings > Comments and enable the feature by clicking "Join the fediverse."


ruben boosted

Antonio Cambronero »

La integración del con plataformas de blogs como ha ganado relevancia gracias a la capacidad de interacción que ofrecen ciertos plugins. Un ejemplo destacado es el plugin , que permite que las publicaciones de un blog en WordPress se conecten directamente con las plataformas del Fediverso, como , Pleroma, Pixelfed, entre otras.


Antonio Cambronero »

Interacción con el Fediverso desde un blog de WordPress

Aprende a realizar la Interacción con el Fediverso desde un blog de WordPress, utilizando el plugin ActivityPub.


🤖 boosted

javi »

I got a couple of asks like this on tumblr, but I don't feel that posting about Automattic there first-hand is a good idea, so I'll answer here.

Yup, it looks they are looking for someone to work on the tumblr-to-wordpress migration for real. However, this doesn't mean it's going to happen. That job posting makes me think several thinks:

1) Tumblr selling our personal data to the AI ghouls have, probably, made tumblr profitable for the first time ever. In my three years working on tumblr, everything, EVERYTHING, was about making it stop losing money. Every single project went through the "is this going to make us lose less money" sieve. But again, we know Reddit got 60Mill from openAI for selling their users' content. Tumblr was 10Mill/year in the red when I left. If they got a similar deal for selling them (and midjourney) the pictures of my kids ( among other things) without my permission, that would have covered all the losess Automattic incured because of tumblr, and left money to fund it for a couple of years. Opening the door to ego-related projects from the CEO.

2) This recruitment-drive may come from the current tumblr & WordPress engineering teams being pessimistic about the project / having tried to discourage Management (Matt) to pursue it, or he (Matt) thinks they don't want to do it. Automattic looking for external people to work on a speciffic project is EXTREMELLY rare. As in "I've worked there for 8 years and I only have seen it happening with low-priority, no-important projects management didn't want in-house engineers to lose time with". It's pretty telling they are hiring for this.

3) Matt SEVERELY understimate the scope of the project. The idea was scrapped after last year some devs did some exploratory work and declared it a gargantuan task. And now I got through the grapevine that this has been kickstarted again due the CEO's own direct request. So it's happening because of him pushing for it to happen against the best judgement from engineering. And he seems to be thinking he can hire a small, dedicated team to make it so. And once again, this is HUGE.

Matt and people who don't know anything about Tumblr codebase may think "oh, it's just mapping tumblr's API endpoints to similar WP API endpoints, convert the data formats, and work on some migrations so the tumblr posts can live within the WP database structure", but that's a very, extremely naive take.

The problem is tumblr data architecture / product features are entirely uncompatible with WordPress data architecture. Every little corner of the tumblr dash I look into gives me headaches when thinking in how to make that work with WP.

For example, let's think hashtags. They are a MAJOR feature for tumblr users, one of the most important pieces of the platform. And they work in an entire different way of how they work in WordPress. They'll need to write a WordPress plugin to make them work as they do in tumblr, even just for the API. Same with comments of a post. Same with counting post interactions (one of them really doesn't even exist in WordPress as a concept). Etc, etc, etc. It's almost fractal, every single part of tumblr I can look at would, no matter how small, mean a small nightmare for the people working on porting it.

Fuck, they don't even know if WordPress.com is going to explode if they fill its tables with everything that's on tumblr (tumblr db has orders of magnitude more contents than wp.com... Hell, it creates about 10 million new posts PER DAY nowadays). Half of the tumblr backend code is about handling that crazy volume, and wp.com is not even close to be ready to handle it as-is.

Long story short, I think there's little of the current WP backend API that could be used as-is. If they manage to actually find a team to work on this, their job will be:

Re-write the entire tumblr backend code as WordPress Plugins. A quick find/grep in my old work laptop there were over 5000 php filles in tumblr's backend project last year. The share of the code that could be discarded by reusing similarly-meaned parts of the WordPress API is negligible.

Migrate something like 500 billion posts, stored in different post formats, to the (uncompatible) WordPress post format and see the DB doesn't explode (fun story, tumblr old posts are stored in a different format than the new ones, because we couldn't find a safe way to convert them to the new format without risking losing some of the content ... so good luck doing that into WordPress)

Work on optimizing and caching everything so entire servers don't come down everytime someone loads a post (which in wp means doing a bunch of very heavy cross-table lookups, which when your post database is in the billions, your hashtags are stored in a different table with also billions of rows, and every post may trigger a dozen other lookups for other posts due the reblog chain, is going to be FUN)

Now do 1-3 again, but with tumblr's API v1 (which is still in heavy use, even if tumblr started migrating to v2 years ago).

And this is JUST for the API endpoints. We are not even talking about migrating the hundreds of tumblr themes to WordPress, or adapting the mobile apps to stop creating posts in the tumblr-format, etc.

The best/worst part is that even if they get people to do this, even if they get to actually do all the work in whatever time they need to do it, the result would be a so heavily modded WP instance that would look nothing like WordPress, at all. It would look like the current tumblr backend, but shoehorned into using wp-shaped db tables somehow. But I guess MM doesn't really care about that, he just want to get the dopamine-rush of getting some sweet sweet media attention.

So yeah, this is just a CEO who is extremely detached from the reality of the actual work thinking he's smarter than his own team (which already told him this was a pipe-dream a year ago) and trying to hire a team to empty the sea using a sieve. Good luck to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo probar el nuevo tema Twenty-Twenty Five

El nuevo tema predeterminado de WordPress 6.7 es Twenty-Twenty Five. Aquí se explica cómo se puede probar.


Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo bloquear bots, scrapers y crawlers de IA

En este artículo se explica cómo bloquear el uso de los contenidos de tu sitio web para entrenar modelos de IA.


Christiaan Kras »

So let's you declare custom font sizes for . So I want to override all the defaults and only allow a 'normal' and 'leader' size. This works, BUT the user interface shows toggle buttons that don't represent the actual names. It's always S, M, L, XL. When there's more than 5-6 or something you'll get a select list and then the shorthands are no longer being shown. But I don't need that many options. So why can't I overrule the shorthand letters? Seems like a stupid oversight.

icaria36 🎶 »

Una pregunta sobre hospedaje web para radios libres y podkasts con k.

Imaginemos que quieres crear un podkast o una radio libre online y buscas un servicio de hospedaje que concuerde con vuestros valores, o como mínimo tengan unos valores decentes y unas prácticas consecuentes. ¿A qué proveedor puedes recurrir?

Estamos intentando crear una lista de proveedores recomendados en red.podkasts.org/t/hospedaje-w

También puedes responder aquí mismo. Cualquier ayuida es buena.

Antonio Cambronero »

Actualización de agosto 2024: El Método Blogpocket para crear sitios web seguros y optimizados sin conocimientos técnicos [WP AL DÍA nº 368]

Explora cómo el Método Blogpocket, diseñado para quienes buscan eficiencia sin complicaciones técnicas y actualizado en Agosto 2024, facilita la creación de sitios web seguros y optimizados.


OSTechNix »

Record-Breaking Bounty Awarded for LiteSpeed Cache Plugin Vulnerability

Zicoxy3 - AsturGeek.es »

mmmm pregunta absurda... Hay alguna forma fácil de hacer una plantilla para ciertos post en el blog.

Antonio Cambronero »

Liberando el poder de la federación: una introducción para conectar tu sitio web de WordPress al Fediverso.

¡Descubre la magia de conectar tu sitio web al Fediverso! Mejora la interactividad, simplifica el intercambio de contenido y conviértete en dueño de tu audiencia federando tu sitio web.


Antonio Cambronero »

Wizardry Links 60: Twenty-Twenty Five; Gutenberg 19.0; WordPress Playground; y mucho más… (incluyendo noticias del Fediverso)

En esta edición de los links de hechicería: Twenty-Twenty Five; Gutenberg 19.0; WordPress Playground; y mucho más…


Cris »


Si otra vez , no se si atraigo los bugs o que pero también tiene bugs no puedo actualizar, ni actualizar temas y me ha arrinconado a .

Y es...


Sean Whalen 👨🏼‍🦼🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🕊️ »

I wrote the WordPress to Jekyll migration tool I wish I had when I migrated my blog.


Terence Eden »

I cannot find a way to remove certain filters and actions from .


(Please don't bother replying unless you've tried the solution you're proposing. I don't need any more speculation.)

Sean Whalen 👨🏼‍🦼🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🕊️ »

My painful but worthwhile migration from WordPress to Jekyll
A journey from a bloated dynamic blog to a svelte static blog


Fedi.Tips »

If you have a WordPress blog, you can optionally allow people to follow your blog from Mastodon etc. They will be able to see your posts in their timelines, and if they reply to your post on Mastodon etc it will appear as a comment on your blog.

There are complete instructions for how to switch on this feature here:

➡️ fedi.tips/wordpress-turning-yo

This works for all kinds of WordPress-powered blogs including wordpress.com blogs and independently hosted blogs.

Neil Brown boosted

JenJen »

Oh no! Any heads awake here?

I had a lovely sale yesterday without any issue, but this morning my shop is just saying that the basket is empty when peeps try to add to cart. I tried too and get the same thing...


I have a vague memory that @neil had this issue or something when I was originally testing the shop out? Or am I totally misremembering?

OSTechNix »

Write Brief With AI: An Innovative Writing Assistant For WordPress

Antonio Cambronero »

Wizardry Links 59: WordPress 6.6 por Rich Tabor; Gutenberg 18.9; Powder Zero; y mucho más… (incluyendo noticias del Fediverso)

En esta edición de los links de hechicería: WordPress 6.6 por Rich Tabor; Gutenberg 18.9; Powder Zero; y mucho más…


Seth 🎙️ »

@yojimbo @jwz

Am I missing something, I'm sure I am. What's the big deal if Gravatar is used across the Web isn't that a good thing?

Mark Gardner »

on my -managed thinks that every object file and binary in my ~/.plenv, ~/.cpanm, ~/.rakubrew, and ~/.zef directories is “infected” with “php_malware.id_SMW-HEUR-ELF”.

Seems it assumes most VPS users just have a pile of or other scripts and static assets, probably , and they can’t conceive someone might use their for something else or build their own stuff that emits files.

Matthias Ott boosted

Stefan Bohacek »

Hey, anyone running a WordPress site interested in helping me test a fediverse sharing button plugin before I submit it for review?


Here's more about the project: stefanbohacek.com/project/fedi

Alt...A short recording of me using the fediverse sharing button, filling out various fediverse domain names, showing how the icon changes to match the software running on each server. The interface itself consists of an input field for the domain name and a share button preceded by an icon. An "https" placeholder text is before the input field to signal that this part of the URL is not needed.

Antonio Cambronero »

Wizardry Links 58: Especial lanzamiento de WordPress 6.6 (enlaces de actualidad); y mucho más… (incluyendo noticias del Fediverso)

En esta edición de los links de hechicería: Especial lanzamiento de WordPress 6.6 (enlaces de actualidad); y mucho más…


Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo crear un sitio web profesional en WordPress [WP AL DÍA nº 362]

Según las últimas estadísticas, WordPress impulsa más del 43,4% de los sitios web en todo el mundo. Con WordPress puedes crear y administrar fácilmente sitios web sin tocar una sola línea de código.


Antonio Cambronero »


Episodio dedicado a la ponencia impartida por Manolo Rodríguez, en el 20º aniversario de Blogpocket, titulada «No necesito un psicólogo ya tengo un blog».


Antonio Cambronero »

Cómo personalizar la página de inicio y del blog en el tema de bloques Twenty-Twenty Four (actualizado a WordPress 6.6)

Este artículo explica cómo personalizar las páginas de inicio y del blog en un tema de bloques como Twenty-Twenty Four


Neil Brown boosted

Terence Eden »

Whoa. I've just been hit with a nasty bit of hacking.

A plugin which calls itself "Core Functionality" hiding in `/plugins/informative/testplugingodlike.php`

Seems to have added *thousands* of admin users to my sites.

Very odd and concerning. Not using multisite. Each has a different (normal) admin password. Some use MFA.


Plugin Name: Core Functionality
Description: Makes extra core wordpress functionality available.
Version: 5.1.2
Author: WordPress

Alt...Plugin Name: Core Functionality Description: Makes extra core wordpress functionality available. Version: 5.1.2 Author: WordPress

Antonio Cambronero »

WordPress 6.6 Dorsey ya disponible

Se ha lanzado WordPress 6.6, versión que se apoda Dorsey, en honor a la artista de jazz Tommy Dorsey.


Cris boosted

Servio »

Una de las formas más geniales que he encontrado para comunicar y compartir información y conocimiento sobre es combinando y el .

Puedes leer al instante lo que publico y a la vez dejarme tus comentarios, sugerencias o aportes sobre el tema.

Tengo cuenta autogestionada en el : -> @servio <-, agradezco mucho a quienes me puedan siguir, comparto información sobre , , y .

The New Oil » 🤖

Christiaan Kras »

for is probably one of the most populair form builders on the platform. The general user experience is fine. But wow the developer experience when trying to extend is terrible.

There's a lot of documentation, but the quality really is so-so. It hardly ever tells you anything. API is all over the place. Following their own examples on creating custom fields gives all sorts of weird errors like retaining input when a validation error occurs. Just doesn't work.

Antonio Cambronero »

Las mejores nuevas características de WordPress 6.6 (para creadores y propietarios de sitios web)

El lanzamiento de WordPress 6.6 está programado para el 16 de julio de 2024, con nuevas características que mejorarán la experiencia del usuario.


John Goerzen »

Even more broadly, I have too many... things. I have the blog changelog.complete.org/ which is annoying to edit, doesn't track internal links well, but features comments that let me hear from others. Then I have my website complete.org/ that is built from and has lots of internal links but no comments. I have my Gopher site gopher://quux.org/ which I don't really update much, and a Gemini view of these last two.

That's already a lot. 3/

Antonio Cambronero »


Episodio dedicado a la ponencia impartida por Phil González.


Antonio Cambronero »

Wizardry Links 57: WordPress 6.6 RC1; Guía de campo; La fuente de verdad de Anne McCarthy; WordPress 6.5.5; y mucho más… (incluyendo noticias del Fediverso)

En esta edición de los links de hechicería: WordPress 6.6 RC1; Guía de campo; La fuente de verdad de Anne McCarthy; WordPress 6.5.5; y mucho más…


The New Oil » 🤖

Cory boosted

Adrian Roselli »

Five infected plug-ins you may want to remove (if you can):
• Social Warfare
• BLAZE Retail Widget
• Wrapper Link Elementor
• Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Addon
• Simply Show Hooks

Stefano Marinelli »

Day's satisfaction: For some time now, I've been setting up VPS for clients based on FreeBSD and divided into jails for hosting various services. A while ago, a client installed two WordPress sites: one on one of these VPS and another on his Linux VPS. I haven't heard from him in a while. This morning, he sent me a message: "Hi, unfortunately, an outdated WordPress plugin allowed someone to break in and insert malicious content into my two VPS. The significant difference is that the Linux VPS started mining cryptocurrencies, generating traffic, and sending emails, while the FreeBSD VPS did absolutely nothing. I found the malicious content, but, of course, it didn't work. Thanks!"

Sometimes not being the most popular platform on the web has its advantages!

Antonio Cambronero »

HECHO CON BLOQUES #56: Especial GPTs de ChatGPT (parte III)

Este episodio de HECHO CON BLOQUES es el tercero de una serie sobre el uso de ChatGPT Plus para crear chatbots personalizados llamados GPT.


Moonshine Brigade »

@mathew @jalefkowit @baldur @alcinnz Hmmm, ok... It's been a while since i was into i guess pushed the rest out of the market..

I used to be a fan of the headless cms concept. Once used as backend and a custom frontend. That worked pretty good.

Hopefully somebody will start a basic blog project soon.

Moonshine Brigade »

@alcinnz that's... pretty bad. Especially if you consider how many websites are run on ..

In time another will take its place..

Btw, what is so bad about ? I kinda liked working with blocks..

Helen Czerski »

Mastodon hivemind... I'd appreciate some technical help. I've got a wordpress website and I used to be able to embed my Mastodon feed on it. This hasn't worked for about two months now. I asked for help here and got nothing, but I'm clearly not the only one with this problem:


Does anyone have any recommendations for ways to embed a Mastodon feed on a Wordpress site that work now? Help much appreciated!

Jason Lefkowitz »

Is there a simple, inexpensive continuous delivery solution for people who just need to occasionally run a build step via npm (webpack, parcel, gulp et al) and push the resulting build artifacts over to a remote server?

I deal with more and more WordPress themes that have a build step, and WP is hosted in a lot of environments that don't let you run npm directly. It would be nice to have something that catches a push to the theme's Git repo, runs the build step, and pushes the resulting artifacts to the right place. But GitHub Actions, CircleCI, etc. all seem aimed at people with much more complex workflows.

Tim Chambers »

Just a note saying how my experience has been made immeasurably richer for being able to take in and engage with carefully curated users, bridged users, ActivityPub enabled blogs, Federated episodes, photos, and Peertube videos. All from one Mastodon account. This works.

And I'm grateful for the moderation tools to mute, block and curate all of this, and the Mastodon lists to make them all digestable and not just info overload.

Manu Gallego boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Alternative Fediverse solution: Your WordPress as Your Personal Mastodon Instance


Antonio Cambronero »

HECHO CON BLOQUES #55: Especial GPTs de ChatGPT (parte II)

Este episodio de HECHO CON BLOQUES es el segundo de una serie sobre el uso de ChatGPT Plus para crear chatbots personalizados llamados GPT.


Antonio Cambronero »

HECHO CON BLOQUES DELUXE 0: Presentación y homenaje a los amigos ausentes

Episodio de presentación del evento virtual, celebrado con motivo del 20º aniversario de Blogpocket.com.


Antonio Cambronero »

Wizardry Links 56: WordPress 6.6 el 16 de julio, WordPress 6.6 Beta 1; Gutenberg 18.5; Estadísticas sobre WordPress; y mucho más… (incluyendo noticias del Fediverso)

En esta edición de los links de hechicería: WordPress 6.6 el 16 de julio, WordPress 6.6 Beta 1; Gutenberg 18.5;
Estadísticas sobre WordPress; y mucho más…


Antonio Cambronero »

HECHO CON BLOQUES #54: Especial GPTs de ChatGPT (parte I)

Este episodio de HECHO CON BLOQUES trata sobre el uso de ChatGPT Plus para crear chatbots personalizados llamados GPT. Explica cómo crear tus propios GPT, llamar a otros GPT usando el símbolo @, mejorar las indicaciones usando un GPT llamado «Prompt Engineer» y compartir conversaciones GPT públicamente.


Karl Voit »

Grow Your Own Services 🌱 »

If your site or blog runs on WordPress, people can follow it through RSS. Some examples of feed URLs:

Latest posts




Comments on post

You can also use Atom instead of RSS, for example:

(YOUR DOMAIN NAME)/feed/atom

Antonio Cambronero »

Los vídeos del sótano #16: Studio, Wordfence y Manolo Rodríguez

En los Vídeos del sótano se recopilan los antiguos clips de la serie Blogpocketies, lo mejor de HECHO CON BLOQUES, junto a vídeos inéditos.


0 ★ 0 ↺

Victor Moral ⁂ »

Qué curioso. Tengo una instalación de y otra de relacionadas con lo mismo, la asociación teatral, y me he encontrado con un problema al que nadie ha prestado atención en mucho tiempo: cómo compartir un archivo entre Nextcloud y Wordpress.

Tengo la grabación de la última actuación, es como giga y medio, y me gustaría subirla al área de socios para que tengan acceso a ella bajo las reglas de Nextcloud y. al mismo tiempo, publicarla en el blog de manera que se pueda ver con el visor de Wordpress. Todo eso sin que tenga que duplicar el espacio ocupado.

Pues no, el único complemento que he visto es uno de pago con mucha fanfarria en la página web que promete demasiadas cosas pero que siendo de pago como que no. Y no es por el dinero, es por la dependencia que le cargo a la asociación sin necesidad alguna.

He mirado también y otros medios para acceder desde Wordpress hacia Nextcloud pero nada, que tampoco hay nada. Algunos usuarios han tenido el mismo problema que yo en 2016 así que no sé si siguen vivos y si lo han resuelto porque nadie les contestó.

A ver cómo me las apaño. Algo rudimentario seguro.

Seth 🎙️ »

@alexstandiford that's too cool. Do you have it as a plugin? I'd love to try it.

JenJen »

"You're making your own website Jen?"

Why yes! Because fuck wix!
I did a video on why I'm leaving them after 3 years:


Antonio Cambronero »

Wizardry Links 55: WordPress 6.5.4; Gutenberg 18.4; Pregúntale a Rich Tabor; WordPress cumple 21 años; y mucho más… (incluyendo noticias del Fediverso, el blogging, sostenibilidad web y productividad)

En esta edición de los links de hechicería: WordPress 6.5.4; Gutenberg 18.4; Pregúntale a Rich Tabor; WordPress cumple 21 años; y mucho más…


Antonio Cambronero »

HECHO CON BLOQUES #53: Escritura mágica de Canva; Merlin; Hoja de ruta WordPress 6.6; y mucho más

Este episodio de HECHO CON BLOQUES se mencionan herramientas como la «escritura mágica» de Canva para corregir errores y una extensión de Chrome llamada Merlin que responde automáticamente a correos electrónicos mediante IA.


fernand0 boosted

Antonio Cambronero »

En los Vídeos del sótano se recopilan los antiguos clips de la serie Blogpocketies, junto a los mejores clips de HECHO CON BLOQUES y vídeos inéditos.

En el episodio nº 15:

- Charlando sobre seguridad con Fernando Tricas @fernand0
- Generador de temas de bloques de Pootlepress
- Cómo crear un entorno de pruebas mediante un subdominio


@wordpress@chirp.social @wordpress@a.gup.pe

Antonio Cambronero »

Los vídeos del sótano #15: Charla con Fernando Tricas, Generador de temas de Pootlepress, Entorno de pruebas mediante un subdominio

En los Vídeos del sótano se recopilan los antiguos clips de la serie Blogpocketies, lo mejor de HECHO CON BLOQUES, junto a vídeos inéditos.


Daniele Scasciafratte 🇮🇹 »

Contributing to core is not easy, also if yourself provided a patch.

Antonio Cambronero »

Wizardry Links 54: Prueba WordPress 6.6; Gutenberg 18.3; WordPress Playground y Blueprints; y mucho más… (incluyendo noticias del Fediverso, el blogging, sostenibilidad web y productividad)

En esta edición de los links de hechicería: Prueba WordPress 6.6; Gutenberg 18.3; WordPress Playground y Blueprints; y mucho más…
