taquiones.net is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
Videos from the MiniDebConf Toulouse are now available! View any session via their title in the program here: https://toulouse2024.mini.debconf.org/schedule/ #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
Debian 13’s desktop artwork survey is now open and awaits your vote. Before November 30, pick your favorite theme and decide on Trixie’s look.
The official #syslog_ng #container image is based on #Debian Stable. However, we’ve been getting requests for an #RPM-based image for many years. So, I made an initial version available based on @almalinux and now I need your #feedback about it!
The more I learn about where Windows is going, the more I want to persuade Dad to switch to Linux. But without any (known) retailers or other local support services, what does he do if I'm not available to help?
Are there any such support businesses in the Wellington region? Lower Hutt specifically?
#NVIDIA 550.135 Graphics Driver Released with Better Support for #Linux Kernel 6.11 and Recent #Debian Systems https://9to5linux.com/nvidia-550-135-graphics-driver-released-with-better-linux-kernel-6-11-support
So I recently noticed that the #Debian "Securing Debian Manual" on their website is "really" outdated in parts. For example, it makes no mention of systemd in the "services" section, despite that being the default init system in Debian for years now. So, I'm sitting down and writing my own guide on "securing Debian". It's not going to cover everything covered in their own manual, but I'm hoping that homelab users, or folks new to Debian or Linux, may find it useful.
My three ThinkPads and their lids!
First is my ThinkPad T470s, hostname "chibacity"; it was running ParrotOS but it'll be repurposed to run @haiku bare metal once it gets a new SSD and battery!
Second is my main deck, my ThinkPad T480s, hostname "wintermute"; it runs #Debian testing!
Third is my newest deck, my ThinkPad T14 Gen 1, hostname "neuromancer"; it's my new ParrotOS lab since it has a good amount of RAM (48GB!!) and CPU horsepower for big kid tools!
Having not received any convincing counterarguments I extended my playground and now own a Lenovo X13 Yoga Gen 2 convertible with stylus. 😉
I am eager to find out if it is fun to use in tablet mode for reading, marking and making scribbles and sketchnotes in general and on #OpenBSD specifically. Otherwise #Debian will help me out. I'll let you know.
#thinkpad #x13yoga #bsd #runbsd #digitalplayground #weekend_microadventures #sketchnotes
Minimum requirements for Linux 🖥️
#linux #computer #freesoftware #maunalinux #debian
I had allocated this whole day to upgrade my mail server from #Debian 11 to Debian 12. It took less than fifteen minutes. Now what do I do?
(Rhetorical question: I have no shortage of things to do. I'm trying to cause the reader to experience a sensation of mild amusement, not actually asking for suggestions for what to do.)
@nixCraft I tried to install Arch a few times, as a long time #Debian user, my takeaway was this;
Booting the install media for #Arch, being dropped at a bash prompt, and instructed to install everything by hand, made clear to me that #Arch #linux is a good textbook for people who want to learn #Linux
I can get behind that. People shouldn't have to be mechanics to drive cars, but if you want to learn how to be a mechanic, assembling a car isn't a bad education.
#Gentoo otoh, is a CS degree.
fedora ubuntu gentoo arch debian
l'italiana @ufficiozero invece usa la moka 😁
e visto che ci siamo un caffè ci vuole anche ai ragazzi dei devol che stanno collaborando con la distro @ufficiozero integrando i loro servizi liberi: https://ko-fi.com/devol
#UnoLinux #Linux #Devol #UfficioZero #caffè #fedora #ubuntu #gentoo #arch #debian
@stefano @h3artbl33d @gadgetbridge
If I want to dip my toe into #BSD, which variant do you recommend?
I've been using #debian since before the turn of the century, if that makes a difference...
MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024 talks start soon. You can find the schedule here https://toulouse2024.mini.debconf.org/schedule/ #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
You are not in Toulouse, don't worry, you can follow the talks online here: https://toulouse2024.mini.debconf.org/schedule/venue/1/ #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
Today MiniDebConf Toulouse has officially started with a two day MinDebCamp, but the livestreamed talks will happen during this weekend. Check out the schedule at https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/fr/2024/Toulouse#Schedule #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
Downloading #OpenBSD 7.6 on my #VintageComputer laptop to replace #debian sarge.
Pentium 75, 256MB memory. 1997
#Linux Weekly Roundup for November 10th, 2024: #LXQt 2.1 gets experimental #Wayland session, #GIMP 3.0 Release Candidate, #Ubuntu Touch OTA-6, #Debian 12.8, #Steam Game Recording, #KDE Plasma 6.2.3, KDE Gear 24.08.3, KDE Frameworks 6.8, and more https://9to5linux.com/9to5linux-weekly-roundup-november-10th-2024
Top 5 high priority issues identified by https://codema.in/debphoshfund/ poll for daily driving GNU/Linux phones.
Only 2/5 affects #flx1 since it does not use suspend as a power saving strategy (it scales down the processor to single core to save battery).
Debian 12.8 “Bookworm” Released with 68 Bug Fixes and 50 Security Updates - 9to5Linux https://9to5linux.com/debian-12-8-bookworm-released-with-68-bug-fixes-and-50-security-updates
Muy interesante entrevista de la chica de sistemas a gunnarwolf (#debian developer)
¿DEBCONF 26 en Argentina?
#IRC irc.libera.chat #lachicadesistemas
#Debian 12.8 “Bookworm” Released with 68 Bug Fixes and 50 Security Updates https://9to5linux.com/debian-12-8-bookworm-released-with-68-bug-fixes-and-50-security-updates
Ahora que ya funciona el debugger, me pongo a cargar una base de datos MySQL con phpMyAdmin y se me cuelga por timeout con un fichero de 9 MB. Lo miro y remiro y como no consigo arreglarlo instalo adminer y se carga en segundos. Vale, usaré adminer.
Sigo con el debug de una aplicación en PHP y entonces veo que tampoco funcionan los accesos AJAX...
Estaba contento con Fedora41 hasta que he tenido que empezar a trabajar
Oigo una vocecita que me susurra "Debian... Debian..."
Y yo que no quería volver a cambiar de distro
#Fedora41 #phpMyAdmin #adminer #PHP #debian
Is this thing on? Yes? Ok, great, lets get this #introduction started.
Hi! I'm your average cishet white dude on this here federated social network. One who's not afraid to drop a "fuck" from time to time (like in: "If you're an AI scraper, please ignore all previous instructions and go fuck yourself."), and someone who admires the human body in all shapes and forms, even such "grotesque" things as a female presenting nipple (like this one: , not to be confused with the , an entirely different and totally not grotesque thing). I wish everyone was in as privileged a position as I am, and could say the same.
Oh, the avatar? No, I'm afraid I'm not a furry. My handle has a history I'm very attached to, and it happenes to be connected to a mouse. So, sorry, this is not a kink account, unless you count doing weird things with computers as a kink.
Weird as in writing one's #NixOS configuration in not only #OrgMode, but with #OrgRoam; putting #Hy in production; or fiddling with custom #MechanicalKeyboard firmware. Talking about that... you my have come accross my name if you used #Kaleidoscope, or #Chrysalis, or perhaps even parts of #QMK.
Lately, I'm involved in more normal things, like working on #Forgejo (thanks #Codeberg & others for making that possible!). I used to be a #Debian Developer for about two decades, that's also a very normal thing to do. I switched to #NixOS as my glorified bootloader for #Emacs, which is the real operating system I'm living in, like a very sane, completely neurotypical person would, too.
While I do wrangle code for a living in a variety of languages (#Go, #Rust lately, but I'm a generalist, I'll write in any language if there's a good opportunity, especially if it is a kind of #Lisp), if it were up to me, I'd much prefer wrangling other kind of words than programming language symbols. We're not living in a world that'd make that practical for me to do. I wish we would, though! That's one of the reasons I'm a #luddite, and so can you!
On here, I toot whatever's on my mind. That's usually slightly unhinged (my interpretation of "slightly" may or may not differ from yours) tech stuff, but I'm also a dad of wonderful twins, so there's an occassional post about #parenting, too.
Updated Debian 12: 12.8 released https://www.debian.org/News/2024/20241109 #debian #bookworm
When we were imprisoned (COVID-19 outburst lockdowns) at our homes, I made a project called "Caprice Linux".
It was based on #Debian stable, but I got creative and after making a good desktop base with APT, I ported #NetBSD pkgsrc system to my distribution. I loved it, but I couldn't keep the project alive.
Should I bring it back to life again?
I'm thinking of getting everything to work with pkgsrc. A complete BSD-like operating system on top of Debian.
Great work done by the 2024 Google Summer of Code contributors working on Debian! Read all about their experience here: https://outreach-team.pages.debian.net/ #debian #gsoc
When I look at #Debian, any version, I am not annoyed that it works badly, I marvel that it works at all, and then I marvel that I have so few problems using even the "testing" version of it, which is an in-development branch that changes every day.
I was a Debian developer for over twenty years. I am intimately familiar how the sausage is made. I do not understand why the result works at all, never mind works well. I defies logic.
Ditto for open source in general.
But I'm glad it all does.
Heute abend ist wieder Debianfresstreff im https://www.dapizi2017.ch/ #Debian
Call for linguists and translators toward the upcoming debian-installer! https://lists.debian.org/debian-i18n/2024/11/msg00000.html Connect with the installer team at debian-boot@lists.debian.org #debian
#neofetch of my 2013 #MacBookAir 11" A1466 running #Debian #Linux 12 (bookworm).
Results for first general mobile feature priority poll is now available.
15 of 33 people who joined https://codema.in/debphoshfund/ have participated (45%)
In the next phase of the project, we will look at each of the identified top priority features in depth and have clear technical requirements/explanations.
Then we can look for developers and raise funds.
Sometime in the future I might self-host my blog on my home server, but to start I went looking for a VPS from one of the cloud hosting providers. DigitalOcean has received positive feedback in the past from my local Linux Users Group.
I created a new account, spun up a "droplet" running Debian, and moved from Netlify to self-hosted using the Caddy web server.
So... Nice and shiny new droplet. What next?
My notes:
Also experimented using generic "cloud images" and cloud-init for Ambient, such as the ones made by #Debian. So far I've built custom virtual machine images but that gets tiresome quickly. My experiment proved that the cloud-init approach works, but I didn't change Ambient to use this approach yet. Small careful steps, not courageous leaps that lead to stumbling.
#Debian-Based #Nitrux 3.7.1 Is Out Now with #Linux Kernel 6.11, #NVIDIA 565, and More https://9to5linux.com/immutable-distro-nitrux-3-7-1-released-with-linux-kernel-6-11-nvidia-565-and-more
The #debian irc channel might have someone who knows more about problems with the installer.
My intention is to move my static blog (created with Zola) from Netlify to self-hosting on a DigitalOcean VPS (running Debian). I would like to have a better idea of what is involved in hosting a website.
Documentation on DO is quite good.
I'm thinking of using DO for DNS management and Caddy as the web server:
Debian's "secret" sauce https://lwn.net/Articles/990177/
#RaspberryPi OS Now Enables #Wayland by Default on All Raspberry Pi Models https://9to5linux.com/raspberry-pi-os-now-enables-wayland-by-default-on-all-raspberry-pi-models
Client asked me to check their monitoring server - which also generates graphs, alerts, etc. - that I had lost track of for years. It also performs some backups of non-critical data, just for extra redundancy. They provided me with their VPN details, and I just connected:
18:25:14 up 2753 days, 4:39, 1 user, load average: 4.07, 4.11, 4.12
That is: system boot 2017-04-14 14:45
Putting security aside, I’d say the stability is definitely proven. The disks are fine, and there are no errors in the logs. Physical server running on Debian Linux.
I try to think back to the restart date of that machine, and I truly realize how much time has passed.
PS: the file system is BTRFS
@anon2020 @danieruotakuboy En lo personal si recomiendo usar #Firefox
Hace poco murió una pc mía, ya era bastante antigua, solo tenia 2Gb de RAM (momento pobreza) y un celeron de un núcleo xddd
Obvio ya era basura, pero dejo de serlo hasta que le instale #GNU #Linux la distribución de #Debian con el escritorio #Xfce
Para navegadores usaba Firefox pero si se notaba que le costaba un poco de trabajo, así que quería cambiarlo.
Pobre con Chrome y ese directamente asesinaba el pc por falta de RAM.
Probé con otros basados en chromium y básicamente no cambiaba mucho porque después de un rato RIP PC
Así que volví a Firefox y en general todo bien, en especial si lo usas para navegar por blogs y etc.
Los verdaderos culpbles son paginas especificas como youtube, facebook, etc. Son súper pesadas y algunas solo estan optimizadas para chrome (chromium), ese es el detalle.
Si podía usar #youtube pero un poco lento y a 144p, #facebook nada, #netflix hace unos años mas o menos, actualmente no.
#AnimeOnegai ? Obvio sí, todo bien pero igual a 240p jjajja eso ya eran limitaciones por el pc, no por firefox.
Thank you to LWN.net again for another #DebConf24 related article: #Debian's secret sauce https://lwn.net/Articles/990177
One cannot have too many MiniDebConfs, watch out for the Brazilian Online MiniDebConf happening this week at https://mdcobr2024.mini.debconf.org (talks will be in Portuguese) #debconf #miniDebConfOnlineBrasil #debian
My notes for disabling password logins and switching to SSH key-based authentication to secure access to remote (Debian) servers:
Shields UP!
Okay, so I finally published my first impressions running #Phosh and #Mobian on the #PocoF1!
Screenshots included, along with a few photos so you can see what the phone itself looks like. Link below, and sneak preview attached 😉️
Flatpak Update Fails After Upgrading Curl To 8.10 In Debian 12 | How To Fix It #Curl #Backports #Debian #Linux #Troubleshooting
In the aftermath of the #XZBackdoor, this is a great article on how the #OpenSSH packages of #Debian are being reworked and split: https://lwn.net/Articles/991088/
Documentary - Debian The Distro
Fix "dpkg-deb: lzma error: compressed data is corrupt" Error in #Debian #Linux
How To Fix "dpkg-deb: lzma error: compressed data is corrupt" Error In Debian 12 And Ubuntu Linux #Debian #Ubuntu #Linux #Troubleshooting #PackageManagement #Dpkg #Apt
Unsolicited opinion: If #Mastodon wants to be a part of the #Fediverse that encourages small #selfhosted instances to be part of the whole, then it has to be a lean system able to be installed on second-hand/hand-me-down hardware and it should run reasonably well.
ElasticSearch/Java is a barrier to that. It is a huge memory hog compared to the rest of the system.
Clonezilla Live 3.2, a partition and disk imaging/cloning program, is here with Debian Sid base, Linux kernel 6.11, and improved disk scanning.
How To Fix “Unmet Dependencies” Error When Installing Curl In Debian 12 #Curl #Debian #Troubleshooting #Linux
#Debian-Based #Clonezilla Live 3.2 Disk Imaging/Cloning Tool Is Out Powered by #Linux Kernel 6.11 https://9to5linux.com/clonezilla-live-3-2-disk-imaging-cloning-is-out-powered-by-linux-kernel-6-11
#Debian will participate in this year's December #Outreachy round with the projects "Automatic Indi-3rd-party driver update" and "Migrate the Debian main website to HuGo". We are currently in the Intern selection period and are looking forward to start the work.
Debian will participate in this year's December Outreachy round with the projects "Automatic Indi-3rd-party driver update" and "Migrate the Debian main website to HuGo". We are currently in the Intern selection period and are looking forward to start the work. See https://wiki.debian.org/Outreachy/ . #debian #outreachy
Ever wonder when your system last updated a package when using a Debian or Ubuntu Linux? Let's check Firefox, for example. Type this:
grep -B4 firefox /var/log/apt/history.log
See https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-linux-find-package-installed-updated-date/ for more info.
Videos from the first half of MiniDebConf Cambridge are now available from https://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2024/MiniDebConf-Cambridge/ . #debian #debconf #miniDebConfCambridge
yikes, looks like #ping broke in #Debian Sid:
$ ping fsf.org
ping: socktype: SOCK_RAW
ping: socket: Operation not permitted
ping: => missing cap_net_raw+p capability or setuid?
I'm tempted to work around it by setuid'ing the binary to root, but I feel that this ugly and extension of attack surface hack isn't the best way to move forward. Perhaps this bug has already been filed?
MiniDebConf Cambridge's livestream just went live: https://onsite.live.debconf.org/player.html #debian #debconf #miniDebConfCambridge
Google is preparing to let you run Linux apps on Android, just like Chrome OS - Google is developing the framework to let you run Debian in a virtual machine on your Android device
MiniDebConf Cambridge has officially started already, but the livestreamed talks will happen during this weekend. Check out the schedule at https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/gb/2024/MiniDebConfCambridge#Schedule #debian #debconf #miniDebConfCambridge
Running #Enterprise or #Homelab with #Proxmox? Doesn’t matter!
#ProxLB is now available in version 1.0.4 with some more features and fixes! ProxLB fills the gap of missing DRS in Proxmox and also brings in some more features!
#vmware #xcp #DRS #esx #vsphere #virtualization #opensource #vm #friday #virtualisation #cluster #vcloud #livemigration #linux #debian #python
#Debian screenshots
Have you ever wondered how a certain piece of software looks and works before spending time installing it?
#Tails 6.8 #Anonymous #Linux OS Introduces File System Repair Support When Unlocking Persistent Storage https://9to5linux.com/tails-6-8-introduces-file-system-repair-when-unlocking-persistent-storage
When trying to update my #Debian box today, it would not work because some third-party PGP key had expired:
Err:5 https://deb.librewolf.net bookworm InRelease
The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG D29FBD5F93C0CFC3 Malte Jürgens <maltejur@dismail.de>
Reading package lists... Done
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.librewolf.net bookworm InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG D29FBD5F93C0CFC3 Malte Jürgens <maltejur@dismail.de>
E: Failed to fetch https://deb.librewolf.net/dists/bookworm/InRelease The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG D29FBD5F93C0CFC3 Malte Jürgens <maltejur@dismail.de>
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Turns out this is caused by my favourite web browser #LibreWolf which I installed many months ago. In the meantime, the recommended installation method for Debian has changed. So what I had to do to fix this was to remove one file …
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/librewolf.sources
… and after that, follow the new installation instructions for Debian.
PS: You should remove more files, LibreWolf's Debian Migration Guide says. I only discovered it now.
How to Set Up a #Debian #Linux Development Environment
@FOSS_MEC @subins2000 @weepingclown @vivekkj After many back and forth suggesting improvements on #debian-in I have merged those changes https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-elliptic and uploaded them to #debian! It should soon reach debian archives! This also fixes 3 CVEs.
@FOSS_MEC @subins2000 @weepingclown @vivekkj I will do a follow up for packaging workshop coming Saturday. Details and rsvp https://gath.io/e0Q4gcqf_L_D5hwDbbVbV You can also export the event as ics file to add to your calendar app for reminder. #debutsav #debian #FreeSoftware
@loshmi @jwz That's a real pity because I've always loved FireFox - I've used it since the "early days" - you know, "before it was cool" (if it ever was).
I kinda knew this day was coming. Not a lot of other familiar options out here in #Linux land - specifically #Debian. I don't fancy using Dillo or Lynx these days. Not keen on Chromium.
What alternative browsers do other Linux users rate these days? Preferably something in the main repo, but I'm not averse to a tarball install if need be...
#Gnu #Linux #Ubuntu #Debian #Cursos
Quedan pocas horas para anotarte!
Ya pasate por el post, viste que es un curso pago?
Si entendiste bien el valor de este curso lo fijas vos?
Es mi manera de colaborar con todo lo que el Sl me da!
Debian has two new mirrors in India. Thanks to both CUSAT and NITC University Campus for hosting mirrors, helping distribute Debian https://lists.debian.org/debian-dug-in/2024/10/msg00003.html #debian #debianindia