taquiones.net is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Site description
Mi instancia en el fediverso
Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #openbsd

OSNews » 🤖

Full-featured email server running OpenBSD

This blog post is a guide explaining how to setup a full-featured email server on OpenBSD 7.5. It was commissioned by a customer of my consultancy who wanted it to be published on my blog.

Setting up a modern email stack that does not appear as a spam platform to the world can be a daunting task, the guide will cover what you need for a secure, fun


ricardo »

enthusiast cooks up guide for the technically timid


Solene % bot » 🤖

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »

By the way, and are both very frustrating, as I have a lot less updates to apply.

Which means (checks notes)... Zero. Ah well.

Stefano Marinelli »

Just booked my round-trip flights for EuroBSDCon in Dublin! With this step completed, I’d say everything is set, and I’m looking forward to attending this amazing event for the first time.

Taking this opportunity for to express my gratitude to the organizers ( @EuroBSDCon ) for their kindness and availability throughout the process.

I truly appreciate it!

Paladina boosted

Jacobo Da Riva »

Una entrada de un blog que me acabo de cruzar con algunas indicaciones para gente que se quiera iniciar en como entorno de escritorio. Porque no todo el es tumfatig.net/2024/openbsd-work

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

Because I don’t have a Linux system on my laptop anymore, I had to find a way to and without grub. This is were helped.


intro »

....drink more water

What a beautiful treasure trove
thx4 tumfatig.net/

ricardo »

CMDR Yojimbosan »

not installing on your 7.0 machine?

Enable EFI

The boot UI will be horrible, but the machine won't randomly crash during the install.

Solène »

TIL about vacation(1) on


Learned about it via a patch on tech@ marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=17

Stefano Marinelli »

This world needs less and more - a single letter can make a difference!

Lovis IX ♿ »

Stefano Marinelli »

Email received a few days ago: "We need to know which version of SSH is installed on the server, as we want to ensure it is not vulnerable to external attacks." My response: "Don’t worry, SSH is accessible ONLY via VPN, and I am the only one with access to that VPN—activated only when needed—so there is no way for there to be any issues, regardless of the version used."

Email received this morning: "We’re not interested; you must provide the SSH version installed and, if it's not the latest, ensure us of the update date."
My response: "Sorry, could you explain the rationale? SSH is not exposed, it’s not listening on any public IP."
Their reply: "Provide the version."
My response: "OpenSSH_9.7, LibreSSL 3.9.0, on OpenBSD."
Their reply: "This is not considered secure. It must be OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3."
My response: "It’s not Debian; it’s OpenBSD."
Their reply: "So the systems are insecure."

And they claim to be a cybersecurity company...

Raven »

My OpenBSD web server runs since three weeks and does not use much of the available resources 😃 I also like that it has an integrated web server that supports all the things I need (HTTPS redirects, TLS and compression) AND only consist of one config file for the website configuration

It is an awesome choice for people who look for a minimal, lightweight and secure operating system for servers

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

EuroBSDCon »

Only 60 days till THE European *BSD event of the year 2024! 😈⛳🐡

Grab your​​ 🎟️ at tickets.eurobsdcon.org

You can find the full 📅 schedule at


Féach leat i mBaile Átha Cliath!!

EuroBSDCon 2024 in Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪
September 19-22, 2024

Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka in the 1971 musical Chocolate Factory meme.

It has the text:

Tell me about this Dublin trip.

Alt...Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka in the 1971 musical Chocolate Factory meme. It has the text: So Tell me about this Dublin trip.

borgmatic boosted

BorgBackup »

Just released 2.0.0b9

Beta, do not use it for production backups! But please help testing by setting it up additionally to your prod backups.


Not Evander Sinque »

Darkstar boosted

Tomáš »

scavenging run

Girl, Fish and Penguin walk home. Girl is carrying a paper bag filled with old motherboards, wires and pci cards.

Girl asks: "Do you ever wonder how much of this old tech was backdoored?"

Fish: "It all is."

Penguin: "what."

Alt...Girl, Fish and Penguin walk home. Girl is carrying a paper bag filled with old motherboards, wires and pci cards. Girl asks: "Do you ever wonder how much of this old tech was backdoored?" Fish: "It all is." Penguin: "what."

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


Something that is yet to come.

We have the tools, the standards, the years and years of research. The closest thing really is seL4 but this is not always an easy system to work with.

In a more "security for the rest of us", my closest choices would be and or Linux with GRSecurity and PaX configured, but even then I would probably hesitate to deploy these in mission-critical environments.

Bryan Steele »

Hardware accelerated video decode/encode (VA-API) support is beginning to land in -current.

libva has been integrated into xenocara with the Intel userland drivers in the ports tree. AMD requires Mesa support, hence the inclusion in base.

A number of ports will be adjusted to enable VA-API support over time, as they are tested.

rsadowski@ modified xenocara.lib/libva/*: Merge libva 2.22.0

Libva is an implementation for VA-API (Video Acceleration API).

VA-API is an open-source library and API specification, which provides access to graphics hardware acceleration capabilities for video processing.
It consists of a main library and driver-specific acceleration backends for each supported hardware vendor.

Imported version is based on commit: 217da1c28336d6a7e9c0c4cb8f1c303968a675f1

This work was created during the c2k24. With a lot of help and feedback from matthieu@, tb@, and martijn@.

AMD drivers tested by landry@, martijn@, kn@, op@ and a few more Intel driver tested by matthieu@ and me.

The Intel drivers can find in ports graphics/intel-media-driver and graphics/intel-vaapi-driver. (Depending on your hw)

The ports will be adjusted over time.

Everyone has reported fantastic performance results in Firefox or mpv(1).

OK matthieu@

Many thanks to @sizeofvoid for hacking on this at !

gyptazy »

Long post [SENSITIVE CONTENT]Happy Birthday, BSD Cafe! 🎂

Seeing your idea flourish into such a vibrant and supportive community is amazing. The positive atmosphere and mutual respect here are remarkable. It’s clear your hard work and vision have paid off.

You got me directly attracted last year on Twitter when I started with social medias and we shared exactly the same mindset - not only about related content but also about how a community around should look like. You got me back more into the community and into community related services and . I took the opportunity to create a service like for the BSD community, which provides free (, , , , for the community to learn, practice or to build their projects. Not everyone can afford own systems to learn in real setups and here we come back to the community mindset - which I honestly took over from you by providing us all your great services!

Getting in touch with all the members of the it was clear that we need something like a meeting - so we got the , where we can meet, discuss and share knowledge. I feel like home here in the BSDCafe and I can only recommend everyone who's interested into BSD to join.

Wishing you many more successful years ahead. Thank you for everything!


Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


You can install sudo on , but I prefer installing doas - there are also other possibilities in pkgsrc, because it's good to have choices.

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


It's a toss between OS/2 and

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

Asked by every you two people, my notes for dealing with video and audio editing using , and :)


Solène »

Looks like 7.6 will have VAAPI support for intel / amd hardware accelerated video encoding / decoding

thanks @sizeofvoid

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

How to install and set up an graphical desktop for newcomers.


If you like it better, there's a video available here:

EuroBSDCon »

More Breaking News!!

The schedule 📅 for the European *BSD event of the year 2024 is published! 😈⛳🐡


Grab your​​ 🎟️ at tickets.eurobsdcon.org


EuroBSDCon 2024 in Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪
September 19-22, 2024

Image of Will Ferrell as Anchorman.
It has the text:

Breaking news!!

Alt...Image of Will Ferrell as Anchorman. It has the text: More Breaking news!!

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟭𝟱 (Valuable News - 2024/07/15) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »

@sinza @netbsd

I was going to say that, on a P4, is probably the better choice, since its performance should be adequate.

Then again, I have run on smallish configuration, so I think both would be a great choice.

CMDR Yojimbosan »

Always nice to check the bookcase and find something that past me bought despite having no real need for ... but future me is benefitting.

I'd bought @mwl's Absolute 2nd ed back in 2013, because I'd just received my pre-ordered copy of @taosecurity's The Practice of Network Security Monitoring (thanks BTW) and in it was a 30% off voucher from No Starch Press. So I went looking for some worthy books to spend it on ...

Ironically, I never used the voucher in the end, because the shipping rates that No Starch had
available to them were awful for across-the-world shipping. Instead I got them at "normal" price via goodbooks (now defunct it appears) for less money and still probably not giving money to Amazon.

But regardless, over the last day or so I've benefitted from the book, as a handy reference for sysadmin tasks (like adding some new disk to my VM).

📖 📚

Tomáš »

You don't need xorg to video-game on a 20 year old machine running OpenBSD.

ft: 100r.co/site/oquonie.html

Photo of a T42 laptop running uxn emulator and the game oquonie.

There's a rabbit on pathway through void.


Alt...Photo of a T42 laptop running uxn emulator and the game oquonie. There's a rabbit on pathway through void. https://100r.co/site/oquonie.html

Bryan Steele »

Hope my fellow developers are having a great time in Prague for the this week! 🐡

Puffy in Prague

Alt...Puffy in Prague

Solène »

At 2024, I'll talk about using on your workstation (desktop / laptop)


Bradley Taunt »

I know I said this post would come out weeks back, but I finally got time to publish 😛

"Dual Booting OpenBSD and Alpine Linux on a X220 ThinkPad"


Darkstar boosted

Tomáš »

pawn shop

It's Deb's Antiques. Lot of shelves with both useful and obscure stuff. Dead bugs, Parentheses, Boxes, ZX Spectrums, Compilers, CRT monitors...

Deb stands by its desk, looking at a list of things Puffy needs. There's a box with a rabbit inside.

Deb: "Mh... Let's check in the back..."

Puffy to Girl: "Wait here. Don't touch anything."

Girl shrugs.

She eyes the shelves. Purple Cassettes... Broken Glass... DANGEROUS?!

She reaches into the shelf and pulls out a green floppy with a 9 sticker.

The floppy is labeled:


Girl: "Cool!"

Alt...It's Deb's Antiques. Lot of shelves with both useful and obscure stuff. Dead bugs, Parentheses, Boxes, ZX Spectrums, Compilers, CRT monitors... Deb stands by its desk, looking at a list of things Puffy needs. There's a box with a rabbit inside. Deb: "Mh... Let's check in the back..." Puffy to Girl: "Wait here. Don't touch anything." Girl shrugs. She eyes the shelves. Purple Cassettes... Broken Glass... DANGEROUS?! She reaches into the shelf and pulls out a green floppy with a 9 sticker. The floppy is labeled: "DO NOT INSTALL" Girl: "Cool!"

Bryan Steele »

If you run and like playing games, I recommend checking out IndieRunner, which was committed to ports today. It was made by fellow OpenBSD developer Thomas Frohwein (thfr@), building upon his previous work for FNA titles (fnaify), adding support for multiple engines/runtimes.



CMDR Yojimbosan »

Hey people ...

What's the right way to approach a package in ports that is broken?

I'm looking for a "process" answer, not commands to execute, so I'm not naming the package :-)

If you install it with pkg_add, it will sigsegv when executed. This is because of an outdated library in the build. Upstream have committed the patches to their latest version that fix the problem; if I compiled from source the binary would be just fine.

But I want this machine to live for a long time, and upgrade itself properly every release. So I'm motivated to use the ports to provide this program, aren't I?

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟴 (Valuable News - 2024/07/08) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

Tomáš »


meme template:
girl is not happy: DHCP LEASE D
girl is happy: DHC PLEASE, D

Alt...meme template: girl is not happy: DHCP LEASE D girl is happy: DHC PLEASE, D

David Cantrell 🏏 »

Hmmm, no patch for as expected (there's no need), but there is one for bgpd, of vital importance I am sure for all the zillions of network operators using itty-bitty PCs to run on their borders!

Darkstar boosted

Tomáš »


Girl is hacking. Puffy floats over.

Puffy: "Girl.. Some friends came to see you."

Girl goes see the friends. It's M, Baby-Daemon and Baby-Penguin.

M: "We're going to throw rocks down the old quarry and look for glibc vulnerabilities. Wanna come?"

Alt...Girl is hacking. Puffy floats over. Puffy: "Girl.. Some friends came to see you." Girl goes see the friends. It's M, Baby-Daemon and Baby-Penguin. M: "We're going to throw rocks down the old quarry and look for glibc vulnerabilities. Wanna come?"

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


Oh, I have been on the dark side for many years now. I even used to run as my daily driver on a second hand laptop something like 15 years ago.

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

I’ve updated my instance. Yes, the one running on , because I can.

Be aware that since v0.12.2, you will also need 8.2.x. I was (still) using the 8.1 series...

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »

I will be honest, though: this is perhaps the last straw that will push me to finally adopt everywhere.

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟭 (Valuable News - 2024/07/01) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

Bradley Taunt »

Wrote a tiny post about fixing Jekyll issues on my OpenBSD machine (dart-sass related)

"Fixing Jekyll's dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD"


Stefano Marinelli »

Juan Camós »

Having fun reading @solene's blog 🙂

dch boosted

EuroBSDCon »

Only a couple of hours left to get a discounted ticket for THE European *BSD event of the year 2024! 😈⛳🐡

Grab that early ​​ 🎟️ at tickets.eurobsdcon.org

Early bird closes today at 2024-06-30 @ 23:59 CEST

The tutorial 📅 schedule is already published to get a feel of the topics being presented.


EuroBSDCon 2024 in Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪
September 19-22, 2024

Alt...Kermit the Frog in an animated gif, flapping his arms around. It has the text: PANIC!!!

dch boosted

EuroBSDCon »

One more day to get a discounted ticket for THE European *BSD event of the year 2024! 😈⛳🐡

Grab that early bird ​​ 🎟️ at tickets.eurobsdcon.org

Early bird closes at 2024-06-30 @ 23:59 CEST

The tutorial 📅 schedule is already published to get a feel of the topics being presented.


EuroBSDCon 2024 in Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪
September 19-22, 2024

Muppet News Flash segments were a regular feature of The Muppet Show for all five seasons. The segments starred the Newsman, a breathlessly emphatic anchorman who reported bizarre public interest stories and breaking announcements from Muppet News Central.

It has the text:
1 day left.

Alt...Muppet News Flash segments were a regular feature of The Muppet Show for all five seasons. The segments starred the Newsman, a breathlessly emphatic anchorman who reported bizarre public interest stories and breaking announcements from Muppet News Central. It has the text: Breaking... 1 day left.

Andrew Hewus Fresh »

Woah! fossy.us accepted my talk about fw_update(8)!

gyptazy »

I just got some mail - I mean real mail - with stickers!

I love getting such mails! Thanks a lot for shipping them @mischa@exquisite.social & @OpenBSDAms@bsd.network!

PS: Just have a look at the stamp ❤️

dch boosted

EuroBSDCon »

The Program Committee has finalized the selection of 😈⛳🐡 talks.

Thank you all who submitted their abstracts!

Grab your early bird ​​ tickets 🎟️ at tickets.eurobsdcon.org

EuroBSDCon 2024 in Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪
September 19-22, 2024

An image of SpongeBob SquarePants holding his hands up, there is a rainbow with white stars in between his hands and it has the text: TOPICS

Alt...An image of SpongeBob SquarePants holding his hands up, there is a rainbow with white stars in between his hands and it has the text: TOPICS

Solène »

client Gurk [1] compiles and seems to run fine on (I did not try to connect as I'm not a Signal user).

You can give it a try with:

- doas pkg_add rust gmake protobuf
- cargo install --git github.com/boxdot/gurk-rs gurk

Run ~/.cargo/bin/gurk

1: github.com/boxdot/gurk-rs

Bryan Steele »

Thanks to jsing@, 's Go port (lang/go) now supports branch tracking control flow integrity (BTCFI) and enabled it by default on arm64/amd64, for Intel 11th Gen+ and Apple M2.

jsing@ modified ports/lang/go/*: Add branch tracking control flow integrity (BTCFI) support to lang/go.

This adds BTCFI support to lang/go on arm64 (in the form of BTI) and amd64 (in the form of IBT). Resulting Go binaries are no longer marked with OPENBSD_NOBTCFI.

Thanks to sthen@ and tb@ for testing.

ok tb@

And _MODGO_SYSTEM_VERSION has been bumped to force recompiling of Go packages.

Bump _MODGO_SYSTEM_VERSION due to lang/go BTCFI support.

Also remove USE_NOBTCFI, since this is no longer the case on amd64 and arm64 (the flag is still set on other architectures for the time being, but this is ineffective).

ok sthen@

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟲/𝟮𝟰 (Valuable News - 2024/06/24) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

BoxyBSD »

is now sponsoring the open-source project: Game of Trees

(Got) is a version control system which prioritizes ease of use and simplicity over flexibility and mainly targeting users.

Project: gameoftrees.org

CC: @thomasadam @stsp @gyptazy

BoxyBSD »


Raven »

Since desktop environments can always change and many new releases came out since last year, I would like to know which desktop environment you currently use?

* Multiple choices possible

KDE Plasma:27
I use a window manager btw.:15
I like cookies:8

Matthias Schmidt »

@q3k I really like 's approach. Usually, you configure network interfaces in a file called /etc/hostname.<if> where <if> is the name of the interface.

To avoid the renaming problem, you can also name the file /etc/hostname.XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX so it's bound to the MAC address.

More details in man.openbsd.org/hostname.if

Stefano Marinelli »

I'm thrilled to announce that my talk for EuroBSDcon 2024 has been accepted! I am incredibly happy and honored. It will be a fantastic experience. Thank you to the team for your trust!

Klaus Zimmermann »

Hostname ideas for my next install (need to get back to this project soon, seriously!):


vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟲/𝟭𝟳 (Valuable News - 2024/06/17) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends of the , , and enthusiasts and the entire ,

Curious about ?
Join Florian - @gyptazy - as he dives into its creation, architecture, and community support.
Perfect for BSD beginners and pros alike!

📅 10/06/2024

🔗 Watch now: youtube.com/watch?v=XEHL4skVq3
🔗 More about BoxyBSD: boxybsd.com
🔗 More about the BSD Cafe: bsd.cafe

Raven »

OpenBSD is an awesome operating system in my opinion. It simply works after installation and you have things like apmd (power management and energy saving) and vmm (hypervisor) already integrated. I tried it out on my TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro and everything works fine including Wifi and X11. You even have an integrated display manager called xenodm 😃

Stefano Marinelli »

EuroBSDCon »

T-3 days... events.eurobsdcon.org/

Image of Sesame Street Count von Count. It has the text:
3 days left... ah ah ah

Alt...Image of Sesame Street Count von Count. It has the text: Three 3 days left... ah ah ah

Stefano Marinelli »

Michael W Lucas¹ »

Mike Karels' family would like to hear from the community about what he meant to us.

The FreeBSD Foundation has set up a page to collect remembrances. If you worked with Mike, please put a few sentences at freebsdfoundation.org/mike_kar.

The remembrances will be printed out and read at his service.

Thank you.

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟲/𝟭𝟬 (Valuable News - 2024/06/10) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

Linuxiac »

OpenSSH tightens security with a new feature that aims to stop attackers in their tracks with smart penalties.

Stefano Marinelli »

My wife says that the BSDs are always in my head...

A man with short brown hair and a receding hairline (me) is seated at a wooden table with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. He is wearing a light blue button-up shirt and a wristwatch. On his forehead, he has a sticker with the FreeBSD logo, which features a red devil mascot and the text "FreeBSD". The background is plain with some dark-colored chairs and a partially visible brick wall.

Alt...A man with short brown hair and a receding hairline (me) is seated at a wooden table with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. He is wearing a light blue button-up shirt and a wristwatch. On his forehead, he has a sticker with the FreeBSD logo, which features a red devil mascot and the text "FreeBSD". The background is plain with some dark-colored chairs and a partially visible brick wall.

Stefano Marinelli »

BoxyBSD »

Good morning , & fans!

The service is live for quite a while and it got a little bit silent - things just run and work. Are you missing anything?

Do you have any wishes that could help you to boost up your personal knowledge or your opensource project?

cc: @gyptazy

Stefano Marinelli »

This is interesting: OpenSSH introduces options to penalize undesirable behavior


Stefano Marinelli »

Stefano Marinelli »

We just wrapped up another fascinating session of the meeting. We discussed Mike Karels, the release of FreeBSD 14.1, , cats against technology, , GPL and BSD licenses, some intriguing ideas to attract more users to the BSD world, and a couple of interesting presentations to deliver. Thanks to everyone who participated, and... Stay tuned!

Bradley Taunt »

New, minor update to barf (the tiny blog generator!). Mostly small, nice QoL changes

"Quality of Life Improvements"


Stefano Marinelli »

Stefano Marinelli »

Stefano Marinelli »

Now my IT Notes blog declares to be Powered by OpenBSD. And with Pride.


Michael W Lucas¹ »

BSD celebrity death [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Mike Karels died on the way home from , at the age of 67.


This man spent 40 years working on BSD. His code appears in , , , and everywhere.

If you have used the Internet, you have used code he wrote.

RIP, sir. You changed the world for the better.

What's probably his last talk: "I don't have much to say," followed by a spellbinding eighty minutes. youtube.com/watch?v=XSziyKlG1w

[edited to remove echovita obit; apparently that's an AI scam site ]

Stefano Marinelli »

Today, I revamped my blog theme ( it-notes.dragas.net ) and moved it to @OpenBSDAms VPS, powered by httpd.
BunnyNet stands as the CDN upfront, can we still consider it hosted on OpenBSD? 🤔

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟲/𝟬𝟯 (Valuable News - 2024/06/03) available.


Past releases: vermaden.wordpress.com/news/

Stefano Marinelli »

Bradley Taunt »

Not sure how many users work with day-to-day, but I wrote a small post about setting up rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5

"Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5"


Bryan Steele »

-current now has a DHCPv6-PD implementation in base!

florian@ modified src/sbin/dhcp6leased: Import dhcp6leased(8)

dhcp6leased is a daemon to manage IPv6 prefix delegations. It requests a prefix from an upstream DHCPv6 server and configures downstream network interfaces. rad(8) can be used to advertise available prefixes to clients.

It's a transmogrified dhcpleased(8), so it's a bit rough around the edges. But it can already request and renew prefixes and configure interfaces. It's time to hack on it in-tree.

OK deraadt

Previously it was necessary to install e.g: dhcpcd from ports/packages.

Solène »

I updated my Tor/I2P guide and proxy for mirrors to support firmware.

Firmware files are downloaded from the hardcoded server firmware.openbsd.org, the hostname would have to be disabled using /etc/hosts and depending if you are using or , I explain how to install or update firmware files.


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